// gridstack.js 0.2.4-dev // http://troolee.github.io/gridstack.js/ // (c) 2014-2015 Pavel Reznikov // gridstack.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery', 'lodash', 'jquery-ui/core', 'jquery-ui/widget', 'jquery-ui/mouse', 'jquery-ui/draggable', 'jquery-ui/resizable'], factory); } else { factory(jQuery, _); } })(function($, _) { var scope = window; var Utils = { is_intercepted: function(a, b) { return !(a.x + a.width <= b.x || b.x + b.width <= a.x || a.y + a.height <= b.y || b.y + b.height <= a.y); }, sort: function(nodes, dir, width) { width = width || _.chain(nodes).map(function(node) { return node.x + node.width; }).max().value(); dir = dir != -1 ? 1 : -1; return _.sortBy(nodes, function(n) { return dir * (n.x + n.y * width); }); }, create_stylesheet: function(id) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.setAttribute('data-gs-id', id); if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = ''; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); return style.sheet; }, remove_stylesheet: function(id) { $("STYLE[data-gs-id=" + id +"]").remove(); }, insert_css_rule: function(sheet, selector, rules, index) { if (typeof sheet.insertRule === 'function') { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules + '}', index); } else if (typeof sheet.addRule === 'function') { sheet.addRule(selector, rules, index); } }, toBool: function(v) { if (typeof v == 'boolean') return v; if (typeof v == 'string') { v = v.toLowerCase(); return !(v == '' || v == 'no' || v == 'false' || v == '0'); } return Boolean(v); } }; var id_seq = 0; var GridStackEngine = function(width, onchange, float_mode, height, items) { this.width = width; this['float'] = float_mode || false; this.height = height || 0; this.nodes = items || []; this.onchange = onchange || function() {}; this._update_counter = 0; this._float = this['float']; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.batch_update = function() { this._update_counter = 1; this.float = true; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.commit = function() { this._update_counter = 0; if (this._update_counter == 0) { this.float = this._float; this._pack_nodes(); this._notify(); } }; GridStackEngine.prototype._fix_collisions = function(node) { this._sort_nodes(-1); var nn = node, has_locked = Boolean(_.find(this.nodes, function(n) { return n.locked })); if (!this.float && !has_locked) { nn = {x: 0, y: node.y, width: this.width, height: node.height}; } while (true) { var collision_node = _.find(this.nodes, function(n) { return n != node && Utils.is_intercepted(n, nn); }, this); if (typeof collision_node == 'undefined') { return; } this.move_node(collision_node, collision_node.x, node.y + node.height, collision_node.width, collision_node.height, true); } }; GridStackEngine.prototype.is_area_empty = function(x, y, width, height) { var nn = {x: x || 0, y: y || 0, width: width || 1, height: height || 1}; var collision_node = _.find(this.nodes, function(n) { return Utils.is_intercepted(n, nn); }, this); return collision_node == null; }; GridStackEngine.prototype._sort_nodes = function(dir) { this.nodes = Utils.sort(this.nodes, dir, this.width); }; GridStackEngine.prototype._pack_nodes = function() { this._sort_nodes(); if (this.float) { _.each(this.nodes, function(n, i) { if (n._updating || typeof n._orig_y == 'undefined' || n.y == n._orig_y) return; var new_y = n.y; while (new_y >= n._orig_y) { var collision_node = _.chain(this.nodes) .find(function(bn) { return n != bn && Utils.is_intercepted({x: n.x, y: new_y, width: n.width, height: n.height}, bn); }) .value(); if (!collision_node) { n._dirty = true; n.y = new_y; } --new_y; } }, this); } else { _.each(this.nodes, function(n, i) { if (n.locked) return; while (n.y > 0) { var new_y = n.y - 1; var can_be_moved = i == 0; if (i > 0) { var collision_node = _.chain(this.nodes) .take(i) .find(function(bn) { return Utils.is_intercepted({x: n.x, y: new_y, width: n.width, height: n.height}, bn); }) .value(); can_be_moved = typeof collision_node == 'undefined'; } if (!can_be_moved) { break; } n._dirty = n.y != new_y; n.y = new_y; } }, this); } }; GridStackEngine.prototype._prepare_node = function(node, resizing) { node = _.defaults(node || {}, {width: 1, height: 1, x: 0, y: 0 }); node.x = parseInt('' + node.x); node.y = parseInt('' + node.y); node.width = parseInt('' + node.width); node.height = parseInt('' + node.height); node.auto_position = node.auto_position || false; node.no_resize = node.no_resize || false; node.no_move = node.no_move || false; if (node.width > this.width) { node.width = this.width; } else if (node.width < 1) { node.width = 1; } if (node.height < 1) { node.height = 1; } if (node.x < 0) { node.x = 0; } if (node.x + node.width > this.width) { if (resizing) { node.width = this.width - node.x; } else { node.x = this.width - node.width; } } if (node.y < 0) { node.y = 0; } return node; }; GridStackEngine.prototype._notify = function() { if (this._update_counter) { return; } var deleted_nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).concat(this.get_dirty_nodes()); deleted_nodes = deleted_nodes.concat(this.get_dirty_nodes()); this.onchange(deleted_nodes); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.clean_nodes = function() { _.each(this.nodes, function(n) {n._dirty = false }); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.get_dirty_nodes = function() { return _.filter(this.nodes, function(n) { return n._dirty; }); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.add_node = function(node) { node = this._prepare_node(node); if (typeof node.max_width != 'undefined') node.width = Math.min(node.width, node.max_width); if (typeof node.max_height != 'undefined') node.height = Math.min(node.height, node.max_height); if (typeof node.min_width != 'undefined') node.width = Math.max(node.width, node.min_width); if (typeof node.min_height != 'undefined') node.height = Math.max(node.height, node.min_height); node._id = ++id_seq; node._dirty = true; if (node.auto_position) { this._sort_nodes(); for (var i = 0;; ++i) { var x = i % this.width, y = Math.floor(i / this.width); if (x + node.width > this.width) { continue; } if (!_.find(this.nodes, function(n) { return Utils.is_intercepted({x: x, y: y, width: node.width, height: node.height}, n); })) { node.x = x; node.y = y; break; } } } this.nodes.push(node); this._fix_collisions(node); this._pack_nodes(); this._notify(); return node; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.remove_node = function(node) { node._id = null; this.nodes = _.without(this.nodes, node); this._pack_nodes(); this._notify(node); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.can_move_node = function(node, x, y, width, height) { var has_locked = Boolean(_.find(this.nodes, function(n) { return n.locked })); if (!this.height && !has_locked) return true; var cloned_node; var clone = new GridStackEngine( this.width, null, this.float, 0, _.map(this.nodes, function(n) { if (n == node) { cloned_node = $.extend({}, n); return cloned_node; } return $.extend({}, n); })); clone.move_node(cloned_node, x, y, width, height); var res = true; if (has_locked) res &= !Boolean(_.find(clone.nodes, function(n) { return n != cloned_node && Boolean(n.locked) && Boolean(n._dirty); })); if (this.height) res &= clone.get_grid_height() <= this.height; return res; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.can_be_placed_with_respect_to_height = function(node) { if (!this.height) return true; var clone = new GridStackEngine( this.width, null, this.float, 0, _.map(this.nodes, function(n) { return $.extend({}, n) })); clone.add_node(node); return clone.get_grid_height() <= this.height; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.move_node = function(node, x, y, width, height, no_pack) { if (typeof x != 'number') x = node.x; if (typeof y != 'number') y = node.y; if (typeof width != 'number') width = node.width; if (typeof height != 'number') height = node.height; if (typeof node.max_width != 'undefined') width = Math.min(width, node.max_width); if (typeof node.max_height != 'undefined') height = Math.min(height, node.max_height); if (typeof node.min_width != 'undefined') width = Math.max(width, node.min_width); if (typeof node.min_height != 'undefined') height = Math.max(height, node.min_height); if (node.x == x && node.y == y && node.width == width && node.height == height) { return node; } var resizing = node.width != width; node._dirty = true; node.x = x; node.y = y; node.width = width; node.height = height; node = this._prepare_node(node, resizing); this._fix_collisions(node); if (!no_pack) { this._pack_nodes(); this._notify(); } return node; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.get_grid_height = function() { return _.reduce(this.nodes, function(memo, n) { return Math.max(memo, n.y + n.height); }, 0); }; GridStackEngine.prototype.begin_update = function(node) { _.each(this.nodes, function(n) { n._orig_y = n.y; }); node._updating = true; }; GridStackEngine.prototype.end_update = function() { _.each(this.nodes, function(n) { n._orig_y = n.y; }); var n = _.find(this.nodes, function(n) { return n._updating; }); if (n) { n._updating = false; } }; var GridStack = function(el, opts) { var self = this, one_column_mode; opts = opts || {}; this.container = $(el); opts.item_class = opts.item_class || 'grid-stack-item'; var is_nested = this.container.closest('.' + opts.item_class).size() > 0; this.opts = _.defaults(opts || {}, { width: parseInt(this.container.attr('data-gs-width')) || 12, height: parseInt(this.container.attr('data-gs-height')) || 0, item_class: 'grid-stack-item', placeholder_class: 'grid-stack-placeholder', handle: '.grid-stack-item-content', handle_class: null, cell_height: 60, vertical_margin: 20, auto: true, min_width: 768, float: false, static_grid: false, _class: 'grid-stack-' + (Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(0), animate: Boolean(this.container.attr('data-gs-animate')) || false, always_show_resize_handle: opts.always_show_resize_handle || false, resizable: _.defaults(opts.resizable || {}, { autoHide: !(opts.always_show_resize_handle || false), handles: 'se' }), draggable: _.defaults(opts.draggable || {}, { handle: opts.handle_class || (opts.handle ? '.' + opts.handle : '') || '.grid-stack-item-content', scroll: false, appendTo: 'body' }) }); this.opts.is_nested = is_nested; this.container.addClass(this.opts._class); this._set_static_class(); if (is_nested) { this.container.addClass('grid-stack-nested'); } this._init_styles(); this.grid = new GridStackEngine(this.opts.width, function(nodes) { var max_height = 0; _.each(nodes, function(n) { if (n._id == null) { n.el.remove(); } else { n.el .attr('data-gs-x', n.x) .attr('data-gs-y', n.y) .attr('data-gs-width', n.width) .attr('data-gs-height', n.height); max_height = Math.max(max_height, n.y + n.height); } }); self._update_styles(max_height + 10); }, this.opts.float, this.opts.height); if (this.opts.auto) { var elements = []; var _this = this; this.container.children('.' + this.opts.item_class + ':not(.' + this.opts.placeholder_class + ')').each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); elements.push({ el: el, i: parseInt(el.attr('data-gs-x')) + parseInt(el.attr('data-gs-y')) * _this.opts.width }); }); _.chain(elements).sortBy(function(x) { return x.i; }).each(function(i) { self._prepare_element(i.el); }).value(); } this.set_animation(this.opts.animate); this.placeholder = $( '
' + '
').hide(); this.container.height( this.grid.get_grid_height() * (this.opts.cell_height + this.opts.vertical_margin) - this.opts.vertical_margin); this.on_resize_handler = function() { if (self._is_one_column_mode()) { if (one_column_mode) return; one_column_mode = true; self.grid._sort_nodes(); _.each(self.grid.nodes, function(node) { self.container.append(node.el); if (self.opts.static_grid) { return; } if (!node.no_move) { node.el.draggable('disable'); } if (!node.no_resize) { node.el.resizable('disable'); } }); } else { if (!one_column_mode) return; one_column_mode = false; if (self.opts.static_grid) { return; } _.each(self.grid.nodes, function(node) { if (!node.no_move) { node.el.draggable('enable'); } if (!node.no_resize) { node.el.resizable('enable'); } }); } }; $(window).resize(this.on_resize_handler); this.on_resize_handler(); }; GridStack.prototype._trigger_change_event = function(forceTrigger) { var elements = this.grid.get_dirty_nodes(); var hasChanges = false; var eventParams = []; if (elements && elements.length) { eventParams.push(elements); hasChanges = true; } if (hasChanges || forceTrigger === true) { this.container.trigger('change', eventParams); } }; GridStack.prototype._init_styles = function() { if (this._styles_id) { $('[data-gs-id="' + this._styles_id + '"]').remove(); } this._styles_id = 'gridstack-style-' + (Math.random() * 100000).toFixed(); this._styles = Utils.create_stylesheet(this._styles_id); if (this._styles != null) this._styles._max = 0; }; GridStack.prototype._update_styles = function(max_height) { if (this._styles == null) { return; } var prefix = '.' + this.opts._class + ' .' + this.opts.item_class; if (typeof max_height == 'undefined') { max_height = this._styles._max; this._init_styles(); this._update_container_height(); } if (this._styles._max == 0) { Utils.insert_css_rule(this._styles, prefix, 'min-height: ' + (this.opts.cell_height) + 'px;', 0); } if (max_height > this._styles._max) { for (var i = this._styles._max; i < max_height; ++i) { Utils.insert_css_rule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-height="' + (i + 1) + '"]', 'height: ' + (this.opts.cell_height * (i + 1) + this.opts.vertical_margin * i) + 'px;', i ); Utils.insert_css_rule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-min-height="' + (i + 1) + '"]', 'min-height: ' + (this.opts.cell_height * (i + 1) + this.opts.vertical_margin * i) + 'px;', i ); Utils.insert_css_rule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-max-height="' + (i + 1) + '"]', 'max-height: ' + (this.opts.cell_height * (i + 1) + this.opts.vertical_margin * i) + 'px;', i ); Utils.insert_css_rule(this._styles, prefix + '[data-gs-y="' + i + '"]', 'top: ' + (this.opts.cell_height * i + this.opts.vertical_margin * i) + 'px;', i ); } this._styles._max = max_height; } }; GridStack.prototype._update_container_height = function() { if (this.grid._update_counter) { return; } this.container.height( this.grid.get_grid_height() * (this.opts.cell_height + this.opts.vertical_margin) - this.opts.vertical_margin); }; GridStack.prototype._is_one_column_mode = function() { return (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) <= this.opts.min_width; }; GridStack.prototype._prepare_element = function(el) { var self = this; el = $(el); el.addClass(this.opts.item_class); var node = self.grid.add_node({ x: el.attr('data-gs-x'), y: el.attr('data-gs-y'), width: el.attr('data-gs-width'), height: el.attr('data-gs-height'), max_width: el.attr('data-gs-max-width'), min_width: el.attr('data-gs-min-width'), max_height: el.attr('data-gs-max-height'), min_height: el.attr('data-gs-min-height'), auto_position: Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-auto-position')), no_resize: Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-no-resize')), no_move: Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-no-move')), locked: Utils.toBool(el.attr('data-gs-locked')), el: el }); el.data('_gridstack_node', node); if (self.opts.static_grid) { return; } var cell_width, cell_height; var on_start_moving = function(event, ui) { self.container.append(self.placeholder); var o = $(this); self.grid.clean_nodes(); self.grid.begin_update(node); cell_width = Math.ceil(o.outerWidth() / o.attr('data-gs-width')); cell_height = self.opts.cell_height + self.opts.vertical_margin; self.placeholder .attr('data-gs-x', o.attr('data-gs-x')) .attr('data-gs-y', o.attr('data-gs-y')) .attr('data-gs-width', o.attr('data-gs-width')) .attr('data-gs-height', o.attr('data-gs-height')) .show(); node.el = self.placeholder; el.resizable('option', 'minWidth', cell_width * (node.min_width || 1)); el.resizable('option', 'minHeight', self.opts.cell_height * (node.min_height || 1)); }; var on_end_moving = function(event, ui) { self.placeholder.detach(); var o = $(this); node.el = o; self.placeholder.hide(); o .attr('data-gs-x', node.x) .attr('data-gs-y', node.y) .attr('data-gs-width', node.width) .attr('data-gs-height', node.height) .removeAttr('style'); self._update_container_height(); self._trigger_change_event(); self.grid.end_update(); }; el.draggable(_.extend(this.opts.draggable, { start: on_start_moving, stop: on_end_moving, drag: function(event, ui) { var x = Math.round(ui.position.left / cell_width), y = Math.floor((ui.position.top + cell_height / 2) / cell_height); if (!self.grid.can_move_node(node, x, y, node.width, node.height)) { return; } self.grid.move_node(node, x, y); self._update_container_height(); }, containment: this.opts.is_nested ? this.container.parent() : null })).resizable(_.extend(this.opts.resizable, { start: on_start_moving, stop: on_end_moving, resize: function(event, ui) { var x = Math.round(ui.position.left / cell_width), y = Math.floor((ui.position.top + cell_height / 2) / cell_height), width = Math.round(ui.size.width / cell_width), height = Math.round(ui.size.height / cell_height); if (!self.grid.can_move_node(node, x, y, width, height)) { return; } self.grid.move_node(node, x, y, width, height); self._update_container_height(); } })); if (node.no_move || this._is_one_column_mode()) { el.draggable('disable'); } if (node.no_resize || this._is_one_column_mode()) { el.resizable('disable'); } el.attr('data-gs-locked', node.locked ? 'yes' : null); }; GridStack.prototype.set_animation = function(enable) { if (enable) { this.container.addClass('grid-stack-animate'); } else { this.container.removeClass('grid-stack-animate'); } }; GridStack.prototype.add_widget = function(el, x, y, width, height, auto_position) { el = $(el); if (typeof x != 'undefined') el.attr('data-gs-x', x); if (typeof y != 'undefined') el.attr('data-gs-y', y); if (typeof width != 'undefined') el.attr('data-gs-width', width); if (typeof height != 'undefined') el.attr('data-gs-height', height); if (typeof auto_position != 'undefined') el.attr('data-gs-auto-position', auto_position ? 'yes' : null); this.container.append(el); this._prepare_element(el); this._update_container_height(); this._trigger_change_event(true); return el; }; GridStack.prototype.will_it_fit = function(x, y, width, height, auto_position) { var node = {x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, auto_position: auto_position}; return this.grid.can_be_placed_with_respect_to_height(node); }; GridStack.prototype.remove_widget = function(el, detach_node) { detach_node = typeof detach_node === 'undefined' ? true : detach_node; el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); this.grid.remove_node(node); el.removeData('_gridstack_node'); this._update_container_height(); if (detach_node) el.remove(); this._trigger_change_event(true); }; GridStack.prototype.remove_all = function(detach_node) { _.each(this.grid.nodes, function(node) { this.remove_widget(node.el, detach_node); }, this); this.grid.nodes = []; this._update_container_height(); }; GridStack.prototype.destroy = function() { $(window).off("resize", this.on_resize_handler); this.disable(); this.container.remove(); Utils.remove_stylesheet(this._styles_id); if (this.grid) this.grid = null; }; GridStack.prototype.resizable = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (typeof node == 'undefined' || node == null) { return; } node.no_resize = !(val || false); if (node.no_resize) { el.resizable('disable'); } else { el.resizable('enable'); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.movable = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (typeof node == 'undefined' || node == null) { return; } node.no_move = !(val || false); if (node.no_move) { el.draggable('disable'); } else { el.draggable('enable'); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.disable = function() { this.movable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.item_class), false); this.resizable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.item_class), false); }; GridStack.prototype.enable = function() { this.movable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.item_class), true); this.resizable(this.container.children('.' + this.opts.item_class), true); }; GridStack.prototype.locked = function(el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function(index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (typeof node == 'undefined' || node == null) { return; } node.locked = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-locked', node.locked ? 'yes' : null); }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.min_height = function (el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function (index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (typeof node == 'undefined' || node == null) { return; } if(!isNaN(val)){ node.min_height = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-min-height', val); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype.min_width = function (el, val) { el = $(el); el.each(function (index, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (typeof node == 'undefined' || node == null) { return; } if(!isNaN(val)){ node.min_width = (val || false); el.attr('data-gs-min-width', val); } }); return this; }; GridStack.prototype._update_element = function(el, callback) { el = $(el).first(); var node = el.data('_gridstack_node'); if (typeof node == 'undefined' || node == null) { return; } var self = this; self.grid.clean_nodes(); self.grid.begin_update(node); callback.call(this, el, node); self._update_container_height(); self._trigger_change_event(); self.grid.end_update(); }; GridStack.prototype.resize = function(el, width, height) { this._update_element(el, function(el, node) { width = (width != null && typeof width != 'undefined') ? width : node.width; height = (height != null && typeof height != 'undefined') ? height : node.height; this.grid.move_node(node, node.x, node.y, width, height); }); }; GridStack.prototype.move = function(el, x, y) { this._update_element(el, function(el, node) { x = (x != null && typeof x != 'undefined') ? x : node.x; y = (y != null && typeof y != 'undefined') ? y : node.y; this.grid.move_node(node, x, y, node.width, node.height); }); }; GridStack.prototype.update = function(el, x, y, width, height) { this._update_element(el, function(el, node) { x = (x != null && typeof x != 'undefined') ? x : node.x; y = (y != null && typeof y != 'undefined') ? y : node.y; width = (width != null && typeof width != 'undefined') ? width : node.width; height = (height != null && typeof height != 'undefined') ? height : node.height; this.grid.move_node(node, x, y, width, height); }); }; GridStack.prototype.cell_height = function(val) { if (typeof val == 'undefined') { return this.opts.cell_height; } val = parseInt(val); if (val == this.opts.cell_height) return; this.opts.cell_height = val || this.opts.cell_height; this._update_styles(); }; GridStack.prototype.cell_width = function() { var o = this.container.children('.' + this.opts.item_class).first(); return Math.ceil(o.outerWidth() / o.attr('data-gs-width')); }; GridStack.prototype.get_cell_from_pixel = function(position) { var containerPos = this.container.position(); var relativeLeft = position.left - containerPos.left; var relativeTop = position.top - containerPos.top; var column_width = Math.floor(this.container.width() / this.opts.width); var row_height = this.opts.cell_height + this.opts.vertical_margin; return {x: Math.floor(relativeLeft / column_width), y: Math.floor(relativeTop / row_height)}; }; GridStack.prototype.batch_update = function() { this.grid.batch_update(); }; GridStack.prototype.commit = function() { this.grid.commit(); this._update_container_height(); }; GridStack.prototype.is_area_empty = function(x, y, width, height) { return this.grid.is_area_empty(x, y, width, height); }; GridStack.prototype.set_static = function(static_value) { this.opts.static_grid = (static_value === true); this._set_static_class(); }; GridStack.prototype._set_static_class = function() { var static_class_name = 'grid-stack-static'; if (this.opts.static_grid === true) { this.container.addClass(static_class_name); } else { this.container.removeClass(static_class_name); } }; scope.GridStackUI = GridStack; scope.GridStackUI.Utils = Utils; $.fn.gridstack = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { if (!$(this).data('gridstack')) { $(this).data('gridstack', new GridStack(this, opts)); } }); }; return scope.GridStackUI; });